Installation process of handheld fiber laser welding machine

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The installation process of a handheld laser welding machine usually includes the following steps:

1. Preparation work

Check packaging: Confirm that all accessories are complete, including the laser welding machine host, handheld welding head, cooling system, cables, gas supply pipelines, etc.
Site preparation: Choose a clean, well ventilated, and safe working area to ensure a flat and stable ground.
Power preparation: Confirm that the power supply meets the requirements of the equipment, usually single-phase or three-phase AC, with voltage and frequency matching, and equipped with sufficient current capacity.

2. Install cooling system

Placing the cooling system: Place the cooling system near the laser welding machine for easy connection.
Add coolant: According to the manufacturer’s instructions, add an appropriate amount of coolant, usually a mixture of water and antifreeze, to the cooling system.
Connect the cooling pipeline: Connect the inlet and outlet water pipes of the cooling system correctly to the laser welding machine.

3. Connect gas supply

Check the gas cylinder: Confirm that the cylinder for argon or other protective gases is full, and that the pressure reducing valve has been adjusted to the appropriate output pressure.
Connect gas pipeline: Connect the gas pipeline to the gas interface on the laser welding machine and ensure that the connection is well sealed.

4. Connect the power supply

Power cord connection: Connect the power cord of the laser welding machine to the power socket.
Turn on the main power: Turn on the main power switch while ensuring all connections are correct.

5. Equipment startup and calibration

Startup sequence: First, start the cooling system, and then follow the manufacturer’s instructions to start other components in sequence, such as the laser generator.
Gas regulation: Open the gas valve and adjust the gas flow rate to the recommended value.
Parameter settings: Set laser power, welding speed, pulse frequency, and other parameters based on the welding material and thickness.
Trial operation: Conduct a trial welding on the waste material to verify the settings and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

6. Safety inspection

Check protective equipment: Confirm that the operator is wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, such as laser goggles, heat-resistant gloves, etc.
Environmental safety: Check for flammable materials in the work area and ensure that the emergency stop button is in an immediately accessible position.

7. Use and Maintenance

Operation training: Ensure that operators receive sufficient training and understand the equipment’s operation manual and safety regulations.
Regular maintenance: According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, clean and maintain the equipment regularly to maintain its performance and extend its service life.
Please note that each manufacturer’s equipment may have different installation and operation guidelines, and the above steps are for reference only. Before installing and using any professional equipment, it is essential to carefully read and follow the user manual and safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

handheld laser welding machine

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